Pros and Cons of learning in a Webinar.

Pros of Webinars

  1. The content is bite-sized and much easier to digest and understand. 

  2. The length of webinar sessions is much shorter and therefore caters to the market trend of shorter attention spans. 

  3. A webinar can accommodate more participants than an in-person learning session.

  4. A long training session can be split into multiple short ones. 

  5. Webinars are more inclusive: everyone can attend without physical restrictions. 

  6. A webinar gives direct access to subject-matter experts that you may not be able to access otherwise. 

  7. Sessions can be recorded and re-purposed internally to extend its audience. 

Let's be honest, you have probably known about online learning for a while, but have you tried the full potential of online learning modes such as webinars. 

Realistically, since the Covid-19 pandemic more and more people have turned to online learning as an alternative, sometimes not having any other options, but most of all very convenient way of upskilling the workforce. 

Online webinars have exploded in popularity due to the many unique advantages they provide and the relatively rare number of disadvantages. 

Below we will list the benefits of running a webinar in a business of any size, and what could be some of the negative aspects of it.

Cons of Webinars

“Web meeting / Zoom fatigue” is real, webinars over 1 hour are not recommended

  1. Participants’ focus is not guaranteed, are they only watching that window and avoiding distractions?

  2. Not being in the same physical room may lose the visual cues for the presenter to assess if the audience has assimilated the topic being taught.

  3. It may go wrong, as it all depends on the tech! Internet speed, webcam quality and sound distortion may affect the delivery of the webinar.

  4. It may go wrong, as it all depends on the tech! Internet speed, webcam quality and sound distortion may affect the delivery of the webinar.

Of course, we are a bit biased since we deliver Webinars for large corporations to medium businesses of 20 people weekly. So the Cons do not seem that much as we really know by experience that they are great for the professionals on the receiving end,

Different people will find different advantages to attending webinars versus a physical event. Some love the fact that they can join with just their phone and tablet and from anywhere. Others like to have a regular slot each week where they can ask questions live and chat with the same trainer.

Webinars are a knowledge goldmine. You don't even have to leave your home or office to upgrade your skills to the next level. 

Why not organise a webinar for all your colleagues to learn how to use Microsoft Teams or become proficient in creating Excel reports?


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