Don't Hide! Turn on Your Camera to be More Productive

With the recent popularity of remote work and online collaboration, widespread usage of webcams is observed. Although at times it may seem unnecessary and intrusive, it has several positive impacts attached to it.  

The usage of webcams is not set compulsory by every organization or meeting setup. However, many organizations either mandate it or believe it to be a preferred method. This article discusses the benefits of turning webcams on with supporting statistics. 

Sets a Focus Area 

A study shows that 92% of the surveyed workers admitted to multi-task in the meetings. Whereas, 69% view their emails in the meetings. (Surprising, right?). Now, the point is that you may consider what's wrong with multitasking, it saves time. But, that’s wrong. The research says that even brief shits to tasks can cost 40% productive time of an individual. It all highlights the significance of focus and the demerits associated with multitasking.

Having cameras on can help you focus on the discussion of the meeting, instead of shifting your focus. Also, a diverted mind in meetings will not allow you to put forward your ideas and viewpoints in an effective manner.

Research unveils an interesting fact that 65% of workers agree with the incremented team engagement and connection building through the usage of the camera. And, the connection-building with teams can help boost your creativity and have better mental health. It is because social connection affects us positively.

By having cameras on, you can engage with your teammates on a better level. It also reduces the chances of miscommunication and misunderstandings. This removes the idea of working in an isolated environment that holds negative impacts on your productivity.

Helps Streamline Routines 

With cameras turned on, you are required to focus on the cleanliness of your workspace (or use virtual backgrounds) and your presentability. Although these things may seem unnecessary requirements, they hold an immense effect on your work. It is because having routines in place allows you to step out of your comfort zone and deliver results in a more productive manner. 

An Important Consideration 

We highlighted the significance of having cameras on in meetings and discussions to help boost productivity, improve mental health, and streamline routines. However, an important consideration is that having cameras on throughout the workday can be troublesome and tiring. It can put an individual in a more conscious state for a longer period of time, deviating the idea from its roots.  

Therefore, it's significant to have the camera on during interactions, discussions, and meetings. This approach helps cater to the requirements of both introverted and extroverted people.  

In such a scenario, professional collaborative platforms like MS Teams are a great choice. They give you the freedom to easily switch between turning cameras on and off with a simple gesture. 

Bringing It All Together 

All in all, having a camera on can help boost productivity, streamline routines, and build better team connections. All these things help an individual in having a better mental state. Therefore, do not shy away from turning the camera on for your next meeting or discussion. 


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